5 Temmuz 2020 Pazar

Wayland - Xorg Yerine Geliştirildi

Açıklaması şöyle
On the other hand Wayland is intended as a simpler replacement for Xorg, easier to develop and maintain but as of 2020 desktop's support for Wayland is not yet ready (other than Gnome); Fedora does use Wayland by default. Note that Wayland and Xorg can work simultaneously, this can be the case depending on the used configuration. 
XWayland Nedir
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani X Server emülatorü ancak altta Wayland protokolünü kullanıyor
Also note that XWayland is a series of patches over the X.Org server codebase that implement an X server running upon the Wayland protocol. The patches are developed and maintained by the Wayland developers for compatibility with X11 applications during the transition to Wayland, and was mainlined in version 1.16 of the X.Org Server in 2014. When a user runs an X application from within Weston, it calls upon XWayland to service the request.
Açıklaması şöyle
Starting from Ubuntu 21.10, Ubuntu again by default uses Wayland as its display manager (it once did before for 17.10, but quickly reverted back to Xorg for 18.04 LTS). Xwayland is an Xorg emulation layer of Wayland. It provides applications access to Xorg libraries, allowing to run programs that only can run on Xorg.

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