7 Ekim 2021 Perşembe

Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager

Helm Nedir
Açıklaması şöyle
Helm is a software package manager similar to the DNF package manager in Fedora and the Windows Package Manager. Package managers allow developers to install software tools and maintain them (e.g., upgrade, delete, and patch) quickly using a command-line interface or graphical user interface (GUI).

Developers can install a particular collection of files representing Kubernetes resources by using a Helm chart. When the chart is installed, it is managed by a release. The developer can delete or upgrade the release on demand to make application deployment changes.
Açıklaması şöyle
The deployment of a microservice to a K8s cluster might become challenging as it is related to creating a number of various K8s resources such as pods, replica sets, services, config maps, secrets, etc. Helm helps with that.
Nasıl Çalışır
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani Helm ile değişkenler farklı bir yaml dosyasında tanımlanıyor. Helm bu değerleri şablon yalm dosyalarında kullanıyor
The basic idea of Helm is to enable reusability of Kubernetes YAML artifacts through templatization. Helm allows defining Kubernetes YAMLs with marked up properties. The actual values for these properties are defined in a separate file. Helm takes the templatized YAMLs and the values file and merges them before deploying the merged YAMLs into a cluster. The package consisting of templatized Kubernetes YAMLs and the values file is called a ‘Helm chart’. Helm project has gained considerable popularity as it solves one of the key problems that enterprises face — creating custom YAMLs for deploying the same application workload with different settings, or deploying it in different environments (dev/test/prod).
Şöyle yaparız
# Linux - Çalışmıyor
sudo snap install helm --classic

# Mac
brew install kubernetes-helm

# Windows - Çalışıyor
choco install kubernetes-helm
Helm 2 vs Helm 3
Açıklaması şöyle
Helm had major shift from server-side architecture (Helm v2) to client-side architecture (Helm v3). Tiller was the server-side component that managed Helm Charts and later it moved to a client-side model where all operations are perform via the Helm 3 CLI while relying on k8s RBAC for authorization and security features.
Şeklen şöyle Yani Tiller bileşeni kaldırılmış

Genel Kullanım
Şöyle yaparız
helm create ...
helm upgrade ...
helm history ...
Şöyle yaparız
helm create helm-myapp
helm lint helm-myapp
helm package helm-myapp helm install helm-myapp-0.1.0.tgz helm list
Şeklen şöyle

Helm terminolojisinde bir uygulamayı kubernetes'e kurmak için gereken tüm farklı kubernetes kaynaklarını temsil eder. Deployment + Service + Volume vs. gibi. Bunları hepsi bir chart altında toplanır

helm komutu yazısına bakabilirsiniz

Helm Chart Repositories
Açıklaması şöyle
A Helm chart repositories or REPO is a simple HTTP site that serves an index.yaml file and .tar.gz packaged charts. The helm command has subcommands available to help package charts and create the required index.yaml file. These files can be served by any web server, object storage service, or a static site host such as GitHub Pages.

Helm normally comes with pre-defined Charts which can be found Git Hub Repository

Alternate repos can be added with the helm repo add command. Some popular alternate repositories are Bitnami Helm Charts which provide some charts that aren’t covered in the official stable repo.
Şöyle yaparız
$ mkdir charts
$ helm package ansible -d charts
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: charts\ansible-0.1.tgz

$ helm repo index charts

index.yaml şöyledir
apiVersion: v1
  - apiVersion: v1
    appVersion: "1.1"
    created: "2021-08-02T10:25:28.8208129+05:30"
    description: Helm Chart for Ansible.
    digest: 7f02792923971dbdbc0478bc3180ee7cd6ea3623bb1c5666d6a827c62ee6560d
    name: ansible
    - ansible-0.1.tgz
    version: "0.1"
generated: "2021-08-02T10:25:28.7883963+05:30"

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