16 Eylül 2021 Perşembe

Kubernetes Servis Nedir?

Açıklaması şöyle. Dış dünyaya açılan yüzümüz diye düşünebiliriz.
A Service enables network access to a set of Pods in Kubernetes.

Services select Pods based on their labels. When a network request is made to the service, it selects all Pods in the cluster matching the service's selector, chooses one of them, and forwards the network request to it.
Service ve Deployment Farkı Nedir?
Açıklaması şöyle.
A deployment is responsible for keeping a set of pods running.
A service is responsible for enabling network access to a set of pods.
Servis Tipleri Nedir?
Açıklaması şöyle
The type property in the Service's spec determines how the service is exposed to the network. It changes where a Service is able to be accessed from. The possible types are ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer

ClusterIP – The default value. The service is only accessible from within the Kubernetes cluster – you can’t make requests to your Pods from outside the cluster!

NodePort – This makes the service accessible on a static port on each Node in the cluster. This means that the service can handle requests that originate from outside the cluster.

LoadBalancer – The service becomes accessible externally through a cloud provider's load balancer functionality. GCP, AWS, Azure, and OpenStack offer this functionality. The cloud provider will create a load balancer, which then automatically routes requests to your Kubernetes Service
servisleri görmek için kubectl get services kullanılır

ClusterIP Service yazısına bakabilirsiniz
LoadBalanceService yazısına bakabilirsiniz
IngressService yazısına bakabilirsiniz

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