25 Kasım 2018 Pazar

syslog Servisi

Açıklaması şöyle.
Linux's syslog service and its successors provide a highly configurable logging system. It writes messages triggered by applications or the operating system to a file or sends them to a remote system.

The used logging service and its configuration depend on your Linux distribution.
syslog ile kernel mesajlarını görmek mümkün. Açıklaması şöyle.
The traditional syslog system logging facility on a Linux system provides system logging and kernel message trapping. You can log data on your local system or send it to a remote system. 
/etc/syslog.conf Dosyası
Bu dosya ile syslog ayarlanır.

/var/log/messages Dosyası
Logların yazıldığı ana dosya budur.

Açıklaması şöyle.
The traditional syslog facility and its syslogd daemon provide this logging. Nowadays, syslog has been supplemented by other logging facilities such as rsyslog, syslog-ng, and the systemd journal subsystem.

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